Circuit Analysis and Simulation with Transmission-Line Emphasis


CASTLE is a circuit code designed especially for Pulsed Power, where the circuit contains many transmission line elements. CASTLE is a hybrid between an MNA (modified nodal analysis) code such as SPICE and a transmission-line code (such as BERTHA).  It is designed for the Windows platform (although Linux version is in the works!).


  CASTLE Overview Slideshow

  CASTLE Overview Paper


  Castle 3.5 (02May23)    New versioning scheme indicating version 3 as major version and 5 as minor version.

  Castle5 (01May23)    Now with a .dll version that can run netlists without the GUI.

  Castle4 (07Feb23)    Latest release, many improvements, bug fixes, and better help files.

  Castle3 (26Aug20)    Past Release.

  Castle3 (30Apr18)    Alpha version of CASTLE3.

  Castle2 (23Nov11)    Last version of CASTLE2

  Castle1   First public release of CASTLE